my story
out of confusion
into clarity
the ripple effect
Steve Jobs once said, "The people that are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones that do." He is my inspiration since childhood, and his ripple effects drew me to follow my dream and start the business. And I am here to pay it forward!
The Journey Began
I am basically from a farming background, did schooling in Kannada Medium at a Govt village school.
I was an introvert but a rebel from childhood! The first question on my very first day of school to the headmaster was "Sir, Why Do We Need To Come To School?
Headmaster smiled and told me "Never Let Schooling Interfere With Your Education".
I was too small to understand then but followed what he said throughout.
If I look back, I am living his message, and that one message triggered the real purpose of my life.
The Best Teacher
We often assume that we have mastered life.
But no one is a better teacher than LIFE!
With poor communication, average marks, and no one to guide I had to put in lots of effort after graduation to get my first job in one of the leading IT firms in India. I was very happy working in MNC and quickly accustomed to corporate life.
But life hit me hard when I had totally slipped into my comfort zone.
One day my boss called me to the meeting room and told me "Suneel you are a great employee. This company has merged with another company. I am sorry, we have to let you go".
Everything came to standstill suddenly.
That day, the forgotten golden words of my teacher came to my mind.
I got a new purpose in life and wanted to prove myself more than to the world.
I started to re-educate myself and also joined a leading investment bank for living.
It took time because I didn't have access to the right mentor with who I resonate and who could guide me.
I was trying to figure it out myself so my career became stagnant.
New Place New Hope
After grinding myself for over 4 years in my stagnant career, opportunity knocked on my door.
I took a tough call to relocate to a new city away from family and friends.
That decision completely changed my career. This time I knew my mistakes over the years and started cracking all the code.
Smart work + Systematic approach I learned from my mentor and life experiences helped me rise through the ranks in my career within a short span of time.
Entrepreneur Unleashed
I was growing very fast in my corporate career and held various leadership roles.
I was feeling in my comfort zone for some time.
I wanted to challenge myself to unleash my childhood dream of becoming an entrepreneur.
So after multiple discussions with dear ones, friends, and mentors, I have decided to hang up my illustrious corporate career for unknown entrepreneurship zeal.
I started my first venture "MentorAlly" along with other partners in 2018.
The Dream Lifestyle
The whole journey of coming from a remote village to fire from a job to becoming an investment banker to rising through the ranks to becoming a successful entrepreneur has taught me many tough lessons.
I wanted to give my knowledge back to society so that people do not struggle the way I did to create their dream lifestyle.
Hence, my second venture Dream Lifestyle Hub born.
I am glad that you are here. I would love to help you achieve your goals.
If you resonate with my vision, let's stay connected.
You are my next SUCCESS STORY.
To Your Dream,
Suneel Hegde